So of course since I praised Frank Sontag for cautioning listeners against painting atheists with a broad brush, he restores balance to the Universe by reverting to form and painting atheists with a broad brush.
I'm an idiot for not noting the date and time--I wasn't really planning on blogging.
I don't remember the segment's topic, but he had a caller, Tamara, who told of her teen son who identifies as an atheist. She said she'll feel like she's making progress, then he'll spend the weekend with his father (an atheist) and will come back reinvigorated with the atheist juju. That's all she said about her son. She didn't say anything about his behavior.
A caller later in the segment said the problem was that Tamara wasn't being honest with her son about the dangers of his choices. Tamara wasn't warning him that he was headed to hell if he didn't come to Jesus. Frank cut the caller off and said he didn't know what Tamara said to her son, and he couldn't know from just a few seconds on the air. He said we shouldn't make hasty generalizations. Great.
Then the very next thing he said was, "One thing we know... that young man is angry."
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